How to develop leadership skills in your children

What is leadership in children?
Simply as it says, leadership in children refers to all the skills required in the 21st century, namely self-confidence, determination, and an ability to evolve and create a convivial atmosphere with their friends. This is something you, as parents, cannot ignore and should be aware that it needs to be taught to your kids.

What makes kids good leaders?
Global Citizenship, Collaboration know-how, and Academic Rigor are skills that matter to people in your kids’ generation, especially in this 21st century.
But what exactly is Global Citizenship? In a nutshell, being a Global Citizen means that your kids understand and sense other people’s emotions with ease. They can relate to others while understanding the similarities and differences of human beings, be it languages, culture, and their mentality. This results in comprehension and capability to go along with others.
So, to be a leader at a young age demands the ability to understand the concept of Global Citizenship, together with other basic leadership skills. With these, they can evolve from “followers” to “leaders”. Today Point Avenue Thailand wants to share 3 basic leadership skills that your children need to have.

3 ways to develop leadership skills in your kids:
1. Let your kids decide1. Let your kids decide
2. Teach them grit and discipline2. Teach them grit and discipline
3. Surround them with the right people3. Surround them with the right people
1. Let your kids decide
Your kids should learn how to make a good decision themselves. They should also be responsible for whichever decision they make because this decision learning process is crucial for them to be able to grow and be more careful of all the repercussions that may come along after. You, as parents, should give them some challenges from small things to bigger things; for instance, they should decide for things related to your family.
2. Teach them grit and discipline

Take your kids out of their comfort zone to make them face new challenges. Have them participate in camps, such as English camp, academic camp, or even leadership camp. Your kids will experience things that they might not have done before to build self-discipline through the daily routines–waking up early in the morning, eating with others at specific times. All these activities are good training for them to develop disciplinary behavior and grit for things they are assigned to achieve.
3. Surround them with the right people

People around your kids mean a lot when it comes to leadership mindset development. The surrounding environment is something that influences your kids behavior and ways of thinking. Your kids will learn from these people in so many ways: ways of thinking, ways of solving problems, etc.
Evolving from “followers” to “leaders” requires not only Global Citizenship skill, but also other skills which are an ability to make a decision by themselves, grit and discipline, and most importantly, being in a place surrounded by the right people who push them to develop.
Point Avenue Thailand has a short video clip (see below) featuring the kids who attended our previous leadership camps to share with you.
And if you are interested in helping your kids become leaders, you can simply sign up here NOW!