Benefits of going to A boarding school

The decision to attend a boarding school can be life-changing. We understand that before sending your kids to boarding school, you want to make sure that you choose the best things and make the right choice for your kids. As a result, Point Avenue Thailand likes to share the benefits of boarding school and why your children should experience this while they can.
4 benefits of Boarding School
1. Learning independence1. Learning independence
2. Enhancing academic rigor2. Enhancing academic rigor
3. Building network and connection3. Building network and connection
4. More chances to participate in extracurricular activities4. More chances to participate in extracurricular activities
1. Learning independence

Starting a new life at boarding school is a huge adventure, but the change in lifestyle can be daunting. Experienced boarding staff understand this. They know how much care to give at first and how gradually to help children take more responsibility. While time goes by, boarding students become increasingly independent. They learn to fit into the rhythm of school life, to manage a timetable full of classes, meals and after-school activities. They also learn to keep their rooms tidy, and to make good use of their free time.
When it is time to leave for college or university, boarding students are already prepared. They have learnt how to be responsible, and organized. They are ready to make the best of themselves.
2. Enhancing academic rigor

Boarding schools make for a more intense academic life. The schools invest in the required support systems including highly qualified teachers, well-equipped laboratories, media centers, and other technologies. Teachers design lessons and apply teaching techniques that make for more challenging learning that boosts critical thinking and problem-solving.
There is also more time that can be devoted to learning as students remain on campus for extended periods, with many teachers also residing within or nearby. It is common for lessons to take place at the weekend or in the evenings, offering more opportunities to deep dive into the curriculum and for students to become better prepared to cope with the academic rigors they will encounter at the university level.
3. Building network and connection

Having to live, study, and play together encourages deeper bonds between students. The friendships they make will often be lasting and can carry on to the time they enter university and later build their careers. Many boarding schools are multicultural, which gives students opportunities to explore cultural differences and learn how to appreciate diversity.
Many boarding schools are highly selective of the students they admit. They choose those that demonstrate strong potential and ambition to make achievements. Having like-minded students live and study together can help nurture their ambitions and drive them to gain entry into top universities.
4. More chances to participate in extracurricular activities

Most boarding schools have also heavily invested in their arts programs and sporting facilities. Students with an interest or talent in extracurricular activities will certainly find a place they can explore and be trained in. Sports teams will often compete with other schools. This brings recognition to the school and their personal achievement on the field. These successes can also help to enhance their applications to universities and where they have excelled, provide a chance to secure scholarships.
The experience of attending a boarding school gives your children many benefits. Once they graduate from high school, they are already prepared for an independent college life which their counterparts may not be ready at the time. If you’re still not sure if you should send your kids to boarding school or not and want to collect more information, Point Avenue Thailand would like to invite you to the upcoming Boarding School Admissions Seminar this Sunday 19th, 2023. If you are interested, please sign up here!